Now I knew going into this workout that I am uber out of shape because, well, you can't really stay in shape if you don't workout...which is exactly what has happened to both Jessica and me in these past weeks. School, moving, work, etc. have really shut down our workouts. But if I ever needed a kick in the but this track workout really did it for me. And the fact that the IronMan is only 8 months away is really quite terrifying! Ah well, like the beginning of the blog said, there's nothing like a track workout to kick your ass, to show you you are out of shape, to give you a wake up call, to make you sore only an hour later, etc. etc. I'm sure you all can think of more things a track workout can do to you. Despite all my moaning and groaning about track workouts, I actually do enjoy them every once and awhile because they break up the monotony of long runs and can really make you feel fast!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Nothing Like a Track Workout
Nothing like a track workout to make you feel...out of shape and slow! Knowing today's weather was going to be warm, I got myself out of bed this morning at a VERY early 1030 to go do a track workout before I came to the library to learn all about the kidney. My warm up is running to the local middle school about a mile away and then stretch before my workout. I know you are all very surprised that the word "stretch" voluntarily enters my post, but the only reason I stretch before track workouts is because I'm just trying to put the actual workout off a little bit longer hahaha, not for the good of my body or anything like that.
After wasting as much time as possible, I finally started my track workout. I decided to do my favorite workout as it is the shortest time wise, but really works on my speed. It is usually repeats of 400 fast then 400 recover, 200 fast then 200 recover, on the 1:30 and 0:45 respectively for the fast runs. I can usually get 6 or 7 of these repeats in before wanting to die and before I start to miss my intervals, but today I only managed a measly 4 before I decided to call it quits and prevent embarrassing myself in front of the model airplane flyers that are ALWAYS there when I do track workouts, no matter what time or day it is.
Now I knew going into this workout that I am uber out of shape because, well, you can't really stay in shape if you don't workout...which is exactly what has happened to both Jessica and me in these past weeks. School, moving, work, etc. have really shut down our workouts. But if I ever needed a kick in the but this track workout really did it for me. And the fact that the IronMan is only 8 months away is really quite terrifying! Ah well, like the beginning of the blog said, there's nothing like a track workout to kick your ass, to show you you are out of shape, to give you a wake up call, to make you sore only an hour later, etc. etc. I'm sure you all can think of more things a track workout can do to you. Despite all my moaning and groaning about track workouts, I actually do enjoy them every once and awhile because they break up the monotony of long runs and can really make you feel fast!
Now I knew going into this workout that I am uber out of shape because, well, you can't really stay in shape if you don't workout...which is exactly what has happened to both Jessica and me in these past weeks. School, moving, work, etc. have really shut down our workouts. But if I ever needed a kick in the but this track workout really did it for me. And the fact that the IronMan is only 8 months away is really quite terrifying! Ah well, like the beginning of the blog said, there's nothing like a track workout to kick your ass, to show you you are out of shape, to give you a wake up call, to make you sore only an hour later, etc. etc. I'm sure you all can think of more things a track workout can do to you. Despite all my moaning and groaning about track workouts, I actually do enjoy them every once and awhile because they break up the monotony of long runs and can really make you feel fast!
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Good job!! This is re-entry week for us and then it's on like donkey kong 3/1. I am going to do the 6 mile loop in CP and then a swim afterwords with the NYAC-ers. Hope I live.