Sunday, April 21, 2013

Yeeeesh. It's been TOO long

Okay, okay, I know it's been months since I last posted, and honestly my physical fitness reflects that :( These past couple weeks have reallllllly proven to me why most medical students don't train for an IronMan while in school.  Loads of tests, labs, exams, etc. and the studying that needed to be done for them overtook my life so much that I felt I couldn't take time to workout everyday.  But after taking my PT test for the Army, watching a zillion inspirational IronMan youtube videos, going on some long runs this week, and volunteering at the Wounded Warrior race, I have re-inspired myself and will be 100% sticking to the workout plan.  I'm embarrassed to admit that I even had to ask my sister what week we were on in our training schedule...we're about to enter week 8 in case anyone was wondering, signaling the last week of our adaptation stage, which all in all has been an overall failure for me.

As with any failure, there are always good things to take out of it and this case is no different.  I have figured out how to fit in all my academics with working out...just in time for the real training to begin!  It helps that we are nearing the end of two modules that were so difficult and intense that the professors at school called this period "the crucible".

Just to get some sort of exercising topic in this post, I did do a ten mile long, loping run yesterday after volunteering at the Wounded Warrior 5k/10k race (which EVERYONE should do next year!) and plan to do a swim this afternoon.  Tomorrow starts WEEK 8 and my new adherence to the workout plan!

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