Super long time between posts! Unfortunately my life has not been as exciting as Jessica's, nor has my life been as exciting as her posts seem to describe, just busy, busy, busy. Leadville, CO was amazing, but for the entire week I felt like I was working out...even though I was just walking. The biggest perk from that trip was when I got back to DC I felt like I was swimming in excess oxygen, and it felt GREAT!
An EYE OPENING workout!! |
Anyways, I unexpectedly had a lot of free time this plenty of time for working out! I managed to get a workout in everyday, including a double during the week (swam in the morning before classes, did a track workout in the late afternoon). But by far the culminating workout of the week was yesterday: the dreaded DOUBLE BRICK. The brick sounds simple: 25 miles biking, then 3 miles running, followed by another 25 miles biking and 3 miles running, but holy schmoly within the first couple miles of the second bike I thought my quads were going to fall off/stop working...and I only had around 25 more miles to go! I sort of rallied for around 20 miles, i.e no one was passing me, but the last 5 miles were BRUTAL. I'm pretty sure snails were passing me while I was going up the last big hill and people on mountain bikes were passing me (this is not a knock on mountain biker fitness, they are usually slower because their bikes are a lot heavier), but I made it! The three miles running wasn't that bad, but I think that's because I have more experience pushing through physical challenges while running and I'm just in better running shape.
This double brick was definitely an eye opener for me regarding my cycling shape...I need to GET TO IT! In looking forward to our next couple weeks, I do see that there are lots of long bike workouts and I am already mentally preparing myself to get them done. To give myself motivation (read: to keep me on track), I will make sure to update the blog more :)
Your legs are soo tired after the first round of biking/running! I was surprised at how wobbly I was, too, but I guess it helps you get used to biking tired!