Thursday, May 30, 2013

Call me the insomniatic wizard!

Anyone who has known me since high school will know that I'll have this reoccurring bouts of insomnia.  Nothing that warrants medication, but annoying nonetheless.  Usually it is nothing more than a classic case of "monkey brain," where you can't turn it off, and lord knows there were a lot of sleepless nights senior year of college, when the whole "where is my life going?!" just spins around and around, totally unconcerned to the fact that you have swim practice at 6:30am.   I've gotten better at coping with it over the years, and usually of course the best remedy is being exhausted from working out, because then I'll just pass out before I have a chance to start thinking, but sometimes it just doesn't work out that way.  And the past couple days, I just have not been able to fall asleep at a reasonable hour, which makes getting up early to work out that much more difficult.  Usually after a couple days it abates, but boy is it the most inconvenient thing to pop up during a busy work (and workout) week.

Which brings me to the second word, wizard, in reference to [NERD ALERT] the Lord of the Rings where Gandalf, the wizard, laments to Aragorn about how "3,000 years I have walked this Earth, and now I have no time," when pressed to make a speedy (and time sensitive) journey.
Come between me and a good nights sleep and I will END you!

I am actually a pretty efficient person as a rule, but admit to wasting time here and there, mostly spent giving Sasha belly rubs (although that can hardly be considered a bad waste of time).  As Amanda said in her last post, we are in the Aerobic stage of our training grid, and the workouts are getting looonger.  Hence the issue of TIME.  Even though the days are longer now (yay summer!) it's just not feasible to do a three hour workout after the work day ends.  She needs to study, I can't be confident I'll get away from the office/computer/whatever crisis is looming by 5 or 6 (nor do I want to be completing a long ride at 9pm), and so morning it needs to be.  Plus, now that NYC is starting to get sticky, it will be cooler in the a.m., too.

So far the distance building has been going well.  Amanda and I did a 10 miler in the Sacramento, California HEAT on Sunday and felt quite good--wasn't even sore!--and we've had great swims and lifts this week (she chided me on my push up form this weekend, so have been verrry diligent about getting my chin all the way to the ground). 

I'll be doing a smaller run this afternoon (fartleks + six mile lope) and then a long bike tomorrow (50 miles in Central Park...not quite comfortable yet riding on the roads/9W on a week day).  Saturday is REUNIONS down at Princeton (yay!) and then Sunday I'll do another 9-10 mile run.   That long ride is the trickiest, but I'm determined to get out of bed on Friday with the birds and get it done!

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