Monday, October 21, 2013

And so begins the "taper"

Can't say no to these faces...or no to a pug snuggle!
Welp...the IronMan is LESS THAN 30 DAYS AWAY!  Absolutely terrifying.  I did get some good workouts in this past week....the biggest ones being a 27 mile run one day, 5000 yards in the pool another, and a 112 mile bike.  There were shorter runs/rest days in between these biggie workouts...but I did find myself exhausted at the end of week.  For example, a 2 hour nap snuck up on me while I was laying on the floor at home with the 5 pugs...even though I woke up at 11:30.  whooooops.  At least I enjoyed a pug snuggle!

These workouts were good because I know I can at least do each individual part of the IronMan, but by that same hand I was really tired after all these workouts...and on November 17th I must do them all in a row  :/

Anyways...I officially started my taper weeks off with a 3500 yard swim today.  The workout was actually a good mix of everything, i.e kicking, some fast sets, and some longer sets.  It felt pretty good to do some shorter work in the pool after my last 5000 yard workout, which had a brutal and reallllllly boring 4 x 800 set in it.

Anytime I want to scare myself I look at this on my phone
In looking ahead this week, I see that this taper business is kinda lie, as I have a double brick tomorrow (30 mile bike followed by a 3 mile run...twice), a swim on Wednesday, a run on Thursday, another brick Saturday (2 mile swim followed by 4-6 hours of biking), and then a 20 mile run on Sunday.  I have done similar workouts before...and definitely done longer ones, but when I saw the word "taper" I imagined...not this week ahead hahaha.  Ah well, I am terrified of not being ready, so I
suppose a fake taper is good thing to keep me mentally in the game and my endurance up.

IMAZ you are waaaaaaaay to close!

1 comment:

  1. you are tough stuff.....enjoy your "taper"....I am amazed at your fortitude and cheer you all the way! TOWANDA
