I wish almost everyday that days were longer, but somehow they seem to be getting shorter! Today, for example, was a pretty good day for a run (i.e. it was above 60), but I could only fit in a quick 9 mile run in between school stuff and other necessary evils. A new evil in my life right now is to somehow find time to practice my French horn, as I am playing in Christmas Eve services at my church. It seems that when I want to do things, some other force prevents me from doing them. For example, I wouldn't mind practicing at the end of my day, around 11/1130pm, but I think my neighbors would disapprove. I would also love to run at the end of my day, but its not very safe to be running around that late at night.
Dear Santa, please make the days longer! |
The only solution to this problem is to make the days longer! Just think if you just had an extra hour or two how much more you could accomplish. I could get a decent workout in, I could practice my French horn so I don't stink, and I could learn even MORE muscles and bones! I wonder who I need to approach to get this done...I know! SANTA!
Anyways, my run was at a good clip (a little under an 8 minute mile pace) down Beach Drive, which is always a nice run. There are always lots of other joggers and cyclists around, and although it parallels the road, the actual jogging path is by the woods, giving the run some good scenery. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), there was nothing grand about this run, apart from the fact that it exhausted me and is now making me fall asleep while I try to learn basic biostatistics. This brings me back to wishing the days were longer. Instead of trying to accomplish school, more school, working out, practicing, and more school into a measly 24 hour day (who needs sleep?), I could fit all those things into a 26 hour day EASY. Ah well, I guess I'll have to make do like everyone else...at least until Santa grants me my wish of 26 hour days! muahahaha.
And ain't it the truth!! The days are always too short...I think if I were one of those super sleepers (those crazy people who only need 4 hours to function), then it could work, but c'est la vie....