The end is near! Possibly the end of the world (according to the Mayans), definitely the end of the year, and almost the end of this module for school...finally. With all these "ends" coming up, my work and stress are definitely building up. Not only does this leave me much less motivated to work out, but it leaves me with MUCH less time.
Just keep swimming... |
Today I forced myself to go for a quick swim, not only because it's probably the only thing I could do (I'm still REALLY sore from my run the other day), but I also needed to take a mental break. The whole walk to the gym I mentally pumped myself up for a great workout, and then, more importantly, planned what I was going to study tonight after my workout...something that is not going to be as great haha. My workout was short, but actually more enjoyable than I thought it would be. It was nice to just swim. Not study. Not think about all the things I need to do. Not think about all the studying I need to do. I was just swimming. I did a nice long 1000 warm-up then 4 fast 200s, then did a 200 warm down. Not too much yardage, but I feel much better now that I've done some physical activity and gotten my mind back on track. There are many studies out there extolling the benefits of exercise on physical health, but I think its also important to remember the benefits a quick workout can do for your mental health. At least for me, it gives my mind a chance to reset so when I get back to the grind it's not so bad!
I have a feeling that in the coming days/weeks, I won't be posting as much due to a gizillion finals and practicals, but I will be working out! And really, despite the end being near, it's not so bad! And if you're beginning to feel stressed like me, just remember in the word's of Dora: "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!"
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