Monday, April 8, 2013

Heads are heavy. Legs are amazing.

When Amanda started her Brain Module in her anatomy class recently, she had two things to say:

1. Brains are cool.  She already likes it better than the kidney and lung, if she were to rank her "favorite organs" like one would rank one's favorite animals.

2. Brains are heavy.  Surprisingly so. When she held one in her hands after taking it out of the cadaver (yikes!), that was her takeaway.

I may not know much about brains beyond what she tells me, and despite my paradoxical goals at college to simultaneously expand my mind through reading, class and brilliant professors while simultaneously killing brain cells through shots of Popoff Vodka and far too many helpings of cheap beer, I can at least now attest through personal experience that brains, and therefore, heads, are heavy.

The neglect to mention the neck and head!
I had a lovely 33-ish mile bike ride on Saturday, the first on my Cervelo since last autumn, and while my legs felt in fairly decent shape thanks to the trainer, my neck started killing me after about an hour.  I realize now that it was because holding my head up in the aero position was using all these strange muscles in my neck that hadn't really been used before.  I always tried to stick in aero during the trainer sessions, but never realized that it was not just the arms and back but the neck/head, too.  I was always looking around/watching the TV/whatever.  When I am actually ON the bike, I have to have it forward 99% of the time so that I can see where the hell I'm going and watch for rumble strips, potholes, wayward pedestrians, etc.

So I spent the remainder of Saturday with a sore neck, but a few aspirin, a light 2 mile job with Sasha, and a FANTASTIC MICHIGAN BASKETBALL VICTORY cure everything, as does a good nights sleep. Today, my neck felt fine, and I had a nice swim to further loosen it.  2,000 yards total, and then a 6 mile run in the park right afterwards.  I was a bit worried my legs would feel weak/sore/tired after the bike yesterday, but I felt great on the run! Loose and smooth.  Granted, a swim-run is not a bike-run/brick, but the legs seemed to adapt to the relative fatigue level I was feeling when I started amazingly well.  

Week 6 starts next week, and to coincide with the warmer weather, bricks and outdoor riding are starting in earnest.  I need it!

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