Friday, April 5, 2013

Turbo sprints and week 5 update!

Week 5 of our IronMan training schedule is almost drawing to a close, and as indicated by the fact that neither Amanda nor I have posted since week 3, one might deduce that the past 2 weeks have been a bit intense/scattered.  I know she's swamped with all sorts of crazy tests, and well, there is always something with work--the peril of running your own company with your're the ones left holding the bag for anything and everything!

But I actually have had a solid two weeks of training, riding a bike OUTSIDE (shock of shocks) twice and getting some solid swims and even a mini brick in Easter Monday.  I deviated from the formal training plan a bit, but worked out everyday and was consistent if nothing else.  This week I've followed the plan a bit more closely, and did turbo sprints on my trainer today for the first time.  Once I move my bike back up to NYAC and out of Brooklyn (likely this weekend if the weather holds) that will be the end of the trainer for a while, so this trainer session may likely be by last, and it was a doozy. 

I have had complete bird legs my entire life (and so does most of my family, including my father, brother and my other sister...Amanda thinks she doesn't but I think she does, just not compared to the rest of us), and so while speed work isn't necessarily an obvious part of IronMan training, like building an extreme aerobic base, building overall leg strength is something I'm desperate for, and if it gets me even 30 seconds or a minute faster per mile, when multiplied by 112, that's a lot of minutes!

Here's the workout.  It doesn't sound like much on paper, but in practice, damn.  4 minutes is a loooong time.  Those seconds ticking down on my watch crawled by slower and slower in direct proportion to how badly by legs were burning!

15 minute warm up
I might have had my last day with you!
1 minute sprint (more than 100 RPM for all sprints....I tried to keep it in the highest gear I could while maintaining spin speed...and boy does the bike computer keep you honest)
2 minute steady recovery....higher RPM than warm up spin
2 minute sprint
2 minute steady recovery
3 minute sprint
2 minute steady recovery
4 minute sprint
2 minute steady recovery
4 minute sprint
2 minute steady recovery
3 minute sprint
2 minute steady recovery
2 minute sprint
2 minute steady recovery
1 minute sprint
10 minute cool down spin

I was dying! I was dying after the first 2 minute sprint, haha, and sweating like crazy. Grunting too, it was super cute.  Sasha came in periodically to check on my to see what all the fuss was about.  She's now learned that when I'm on the trainer, bringing me her favorite tug toy won't work (sad) but rather, she just comes in and checks or stares at me with a glum curiosity until I'm done.  And then she goes and gets her tug toy. 

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