Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bike, Run, Swim!

One of the biggest problems with this training schedule is that it requires some semblance of schedule regularity, which is rare in medical school.  Some days I have nothing in the afternoon, some days I go until 4 or 5 pm.  Now you would think that working out after 5 pm would be just as feasible, but at that point in the day, I need to get dinner and think about heading to the library to try to learn all the things I was supposed to learn that morning.

Anyways, the point of that rant is that on days where I actually have free time, I want to really workout hard, but, at least right now, the workouts in our training plan seem insufficient.  One such day was yesterday.  The plan called for a swim,  but I decided to take advantage of the day and did a bike/run workout instead!  30 miles on the bike plus 3 miles running.  I haven't done that kind of mileage in a really long time and definitely felt it today during class and trying to swim this afternoon.  Today was one of those loooong class days from 730 to 4pm, so I decided to do the swim workout from Wednesday instead of lifting (pretty convenient because I didn't want to lift anyways!), and I even got to swim with some of my classmates, which is always an extra bonus!

This is a pretty short post (got to get to studying and all that), but I'm going to have to solve the problem of my schedule soon because once the workouts get longer and harder, I actually have to do them when assigned, which means likely BEFORE class.  Just the thought of getting a workout in and getting to class by 730 makes me shudder...but the potential result of doing awesome during the IronMan is an excellent motivator!

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