Monday, November 19, 2012

Welcome to our blog! Amanda and Jessica are two sisters who have taken the plunge for the ultimate endurance challenge: the IronMan! After doing a few Olympic distance races and racking up some Age Group placements, we wanted to step up our game before the rest of life commitments come in (family, residency, you name it).  Thus, we will be racing the Arizona IronMan on November 17, 2013, and decided to keep a blog about it, which will range from training to discussions on nutrition, more training, race day tips and feedback, as well as our mutual musings as to how to fit it all in to a 24 hour day, which we both anticipate being the greatest challenge of all!

Jessica is a senior editor and head publicist at an independent publishing house in New York City.  A member of the swim team at Princeton, she is newly married to a husband who is incredibly sweet and supportive of this fixation on endurance sports.  She lives in Brooklyn with an impossibly cute pup, Sasha, who is also supportive, provided this Ironman does not interfere with squirrel and pigeon hunting expeditions in Prospect Park, playing tug, or belly rubs.

Amanda is a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Amy and a first year medical student at the Uniformed Services University in Maryland.  She was on the field hockey and lacrosse teams at University of Rochester, and the best pal to a black pug named Cosmo, who at 11 years-old, is in a perpetual state of non-amusement when it comes to anything besides snuggles on the couch and food.

Hope you enjoy following us on this exciting journey for the next year! Any tips, tricks, words of encouragement are welcome!


  1. Wow!! I don't even know what an Ironman competition involves, but it sounds really hard! Can't wait to read about the training!

  2. Thanks!! It should be a doozy...last thing to tick off my list before pregnancy, HA!

  3. Sounds like an incredible journey that you two are about to embark on.

    What is the first step of your training regimen? I ask, as I am training for my next triathlon.

    Sincerely, William S
